
If you’re a musician, you understand the importance of finding the perfect instrument to showcase your skill set. While many musicians opt to purchase a pre-made violin, more and more are turning to the process of commissioning a bespoke instrument. In this article, we’ll guide you through the process and how it can lead to a unique piece that perfectly embodies both you, and the music you play.

The first step is to describe the instrument and sound you are looking for, as is often the case with Violins and Cello’s based on a historically significant maker or particular instrument or a Viola which can be made in any back length or style. I normally choose my wood for its tonal attributes, if you require maple of a particular/flamboyant style, can easily be accommodated. Once the details are agreed, a contract with a start date is drawn up and a 50% deposit paid.

Drawings and templates are made before the woodwork begins, usually taking between 3-4 months to complete the whole process. During this time, regular updates and photos of the progress of the violin will be sent to the customer.

I can design an instrument that is unique to your needs or inspired by a historical instrument or maker.

Once the instrument is finished, the customer will have an opportunity for a final inspection and any last adjustments sound adjustments made. The remaining 50% balance is paid at this point, and the violin is ready to be delivered.

Commissioning a bespoke violin is a lengthy, but rewarding process, at the end of which, you will own a unique and beautiful instrument that will bring you joy for many years to come.